Den Braven Zwaluw Acryl Clear WT 310 ml Transparent

€8.14 (-10%) €7.33
Den Braven Zwaluw Acryl Clear WT 310 ml Transparent is available to buy in increments of 1
Paintable, water-based acrylic putty
  • Transparent (white during application)
  • Can be painted over with water-based or synthetic paints
  • Perfect adhesion to most substrates, even slightly damp ones, without the use of a primer
  • Virtually odorless
  • Easy to apply and clean
  • Non-corrosive to metals

Zwaluw Acryl Clear WT is a high-quality acrylic dispersion-based putty. After application, the product hardens into a solid, transparent, plasto-elastic rubber as the water in the putty evaporates. White during application, transparent after curing.