Den Braven Zwaluw Acryl Exterior

Grouped product items
Product name Qty
Den Braven Zwaluw Acryl Exterior+ 310 ml White
€6.72 (-10%) €6.05
Den Braven Zwaluw Acryl Exterior+ 310 ml Brown
€6.95 (-10%) €6.26
Den Braven Zwaluw Acryl Exterior+ 310 ml Grey
€6.95 (-10%) €6.26
Den Braven Zwaluw Acryl Exterior is available to buy in increments of 1
High-quality, fast-drying acrylic sealant for interior and exterior use
  • Can be applied indoors and outdoors
  • Fast rain resistance after application
  • High stretch-before-break and high movement capacity
  • Can be painted with water-based or synthetic paints
  • Excellent grouting properties

Acryl Exterior+ is a high-quality acrylic putty that resists rain quickly after application. After application, the product hardens into a plasto-elastic rubber as the water in the putty evaporates.